Theraputic Massages

Swedish massages untangle your nerves with this extraordinary relaxing technique; lie back and enjoy not having to move a muscle, as it is all done for you.
Deep Tissue
Deep Tissue massages – Take a deep breath…hold…now slowly let it out, along with all that tension. Deep tissue works out chronic pain or high stress areas in the body.
Acupressure Massage
Acupressure massages use the language of meridians to clear blocked energy can unlock patterns of tension in the body and invigorate stagnant areas, revitalizing the whole system.

Created by Dr. Upledger of the Upledger Institute, cranio-sacral treatment is particularly successful with spinal injuries. The most gentle and effective way to re-boot your nervous system after a trauma.
New Clients Experience the relief of CranioSacral massage at the lowest rate in town!